XM Textiles
- New
330 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Трикотаж
(0 Сертификатов)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Arctic Fleece-330 — трикотажный синтетический материал, изготовленный из Полиэстера, который не впитывает влагу и долго сохраняет тепло. Спецовки или спортивные жилеты из флиса легкие, очень теплые и довольно прочные, особенно со слоем подкладочной ткани, такой как Оксфорд или Таффета.
Ключевые особенности: Тепло, Мягкость, Долговечность, Впитывание
Сертификаты: Oeko-Tex 100
Флис и сеткаArctic Fleece-330
330 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Трикотаж
(0 Сертификатов)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Arctic Fleece-330 — трикотажный синтетический материал, изготовленный из Полиэстера, который не впитывает влагу и долго сохраняет тепло. Спецовки или спортивные жилеты из флиса легкие, очень теплые и довольно прочные, особенно со слоем подкладочной ткани, такой как Оксфорд или Таффета.
Ключевые особенности: Тепло, Мягкость, Долговечность, Впитывание
Сертификаты: Oeko-Tex 100
80 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификатов)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Dewspo-240T – фактурная синтетическая ткань плотного полотняного плетения, которая состоит из 100% Полиэстера. Прочная и легкая материя, обработанная водоотталкивающим составом. Изделия из Dewspo-240T отлично защищают от ветра и дождя. [show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11" align="left" ] Ткань почти не промокает — капли воды легко скатываются с поверхности. Немаловажными качествами являются воздухопроницаемость и небольшой вес. Из Dewspo-240T традиционно шьют стильные куртки, пуховики, плащи, комбинезоны для детей, а также спецодежду для спорта, рыбалки и турпоходов. Она приятна тем, что не шелестит даже на морозе и презентабельно выглядит в любую погоду. и интенсивность.[/show_more]
Ключевые характеристики: Водонепроницаемость, Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани из ПолиэстераDEWSPO-240Т
80 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификатов)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Dewspo-240T – фактурная синтетическая ткань плотного полотняного плетения, которая состоит из 100% Полиэстера. Прочная и легкая материя, обработанная водоотталкивающим составом. Изделия из Dewspo-240T отлично защищают от ветра и дождя. [show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11" align="left" ] Ткань почти не промокает — капли воды легко скатываются с поверхности. Немаловажными качествами являются воздухопроницаемость и небольшой вес. Из Dewspo-240T традиционно шьют стильные куртки, пуховики, плащи, комбинезоны для детей, а также спецодежду для спорта, рыбалки и турпоходов. Она приятна тем, что не шелестит даже на морозе и презентабельно выглядит в любую погоду. и интенсивность.[/show_more]
Ключевые характеристики: Водонепроницаемость, Oeko-Tex 100
185 г/м² | 100% полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
В процессе изготовления двухслойной ткани Дьюспо Бондинг используется инновационная технология, объединяющая плащевую ткань и трикотаж с помощью PU пропитки. Это позволяет получить материал с превосходными эксплуатационными качествами, сохраняя при этом особенности каждого из слоев.- внутри трикотажное полотно
- ВО отделка
Ключевые характеристики: Водонепроницаемость, Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани из ПолиэстераDEWSPO BONDING
185 г/м² | 100% полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
В процессе изготовления двухслойной ткани Дьюспо Бондинг используется инновационная технология, объединяющая плащевую ткань и трикотаж с помощью PU пропитки. Это позволяет получить материал с превосходными эксплуатационными качествами, сохраняя при этом особенности каждого из слоев.- внутри трикотажное полотно
- ВО отделка
Ключевые характеристики: Водонепроницаемость, Oeko-Tex 100
245 г/м² | 100% полиэстер | Саржа 2/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
В процессе изготовления двухслойной ткани Dewspo PVC используется инновационная технология, объединяющая плащевую ткань и ПВХ покрытие. Это позволяет получить материал с превосходными эксплуатационными качествами, сохраняя при этом особенности каждого из слоев.- внутри трикотажное полотно
- ВО отделка
Ключевые характеристики: Водонепроницаемость, Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани из ПолиэстераDewspo PVC
245 г/м² | 100% полиэстер | Саржа 2/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
В процессе изготовления двухслойной ткани Dewspo PVC используется инновационная технология, объединяющая плащевую ткань и ПВХ покрытие. Это позволяет получить материал с превосходными эксплуатационными качествами, сохраняя при этом особенности каждого из слоев.- внутри трикотажное полотно
- ВО отделка
Ключевые характеристики: Водонепроницаемость, Oeko-Tex 100
- New
245gsm | 64% Polyester, 34% Cotton, 2% AS| Twill 3/1
(4 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Egeria-245 a specialized fabric designed for protective clothing. Used in clothes for the energy, fuel and electronics industries, for ESD garment, also for clothes with increased visibility and for other professions where it is necessary to wear protective clothing against accidental electric discharge. Available in a wide range of colors, also in fluorescent yellow.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The soft weave additionally affects the wearing comfort. Antistatic properties obtained thanks to the construction with the use of antistatic fibers spaced 5mm. A special production process ensures colour fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. Protective properties tested after 25 and 50 washes. The fabric has a certificate of compliance with the European standard for workwear: EN 13688 and with the standards for protective clothing: EN 1149: Protective clothing – Electrostatic properties, and also EN 20471: Clothing with increased visibility. Additionally tested for compliance with EN 61340-5-1: Static electricity. Protection of electronic devices against static electricity.Key features: Antistatic
Certifications: Oeko-tex, EN 13688, EN 1149-5, EN 61340-5-1, EN 20471
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCEGERIA-245
245gsm | 64% Polyester, 34% Cotton, 2% AS| Twill 3/1
(4 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Egeria-245 a specialized fabric designed for protective clothing. Used in clothes for the energy, fuel and electronics industries, for ESD garment, also for clothes with increased visibility and for other professions where it is necessary to wear protective clothing against accidental electric discharge. Available in a wide range of colors, also in fluorescent yellow.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The soft weave additionally affects the wearing comfort. Antistatic properties obtained thanks to the construction with the use of antistatic fibers spaced 5mm. A special production process ensures colour fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. Protective properties tested after 25 and 50 washes. The fabric has a certificate of compliance with the European standard for workwear: EN 13688 and with the standards for protective clothing: EN 1149: Protective clothing – Electrostatic properties, and also EN 20471: Clothing with increased visibility. Additionally tested for compliance with EN 61340-5-1: Static electricity. Protection of electronic devices against static electricity.Key features: Antistatic
Certifications: Oeko-tex, EN 13688, EN 1149-5, EN 61340-5-1, EN 20471
- New
245gsm | 63% Polyester, 32% Cotton, 3% Spandex, 2% AS| Twill 3/1
(3 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
A specialized fabric designed for protective clothing. Used in clothes for the energy, fuel and electronics industries, also for clothes with increased visibility and for other professions where it is necessary to wear protective clothing against accidental electric discharge. Thanks to the fact that it is a stretch fabric, it does not restrict movement and provides unprecedented comfort. Available in a wide range of colors, also in fluorescent yellow.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The soft weave additionally affects the wearing comfort. Antistatic properties obtained thanks to the construction with the use of antistatic fibers spaced 5mm. The addition of elastic fibers makes even more fitted clothes do not restrict movement. A special production process ensures colour fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. Protective properties tested after 25 and 50 washes. The fabric has a certificate of compliance with the European standard for workwear: EN 13688 and with the standards for protective clothing: EN 1149: Protective clothing – Electrostatic properties, and also EN 20471: Clothing with increased visibility. The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.Key features:
Certifications: EN 1149-3, EN 61340-5-1, Oeko-tex 100
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCEGERIA ACTIVE-245
245gsm | 63% Polyester, 32% Cotton, 3% Spandex, 2% AS| Twill 3/1
(3 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
A specialized fabric designed for protective clothing. Used in clothes for the energy, fuel and electronics industries, also for clothes with increased visibility and for other professions where it is necessary to wear protective clothing against accidental electric discharge. Thanks to the fact that it is a stretch fabric, it does not restrict movement and provides unprecedented comfort. Available in a wide range of colors, also in fluorescent yellow.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The soft weave additionally affects the wearing comfort. Antistatic properties obtained thanks to the construction with the use of antistatic fibers spaced 5mm. The addition of elastic fibers makes even more fitted clothes do not restrict movement. A special production process ensures colour fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. Protective properties tested after 25 and 50 washes. The fabric has a certificate of compliance with the European standard for workwear: EN 13688 and with the standards for protective clothing: EN 1149: Protective clothing – Electrostatic properties, and also EN 20471: Clothing with increased visibility. The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.Key features:
Certifications: EN 1149-3, EN 61340-5-1, Oeko-tex 100
- New
245gsm | 64% Polyester, 34% Cotton, 2% AS| Twill 3/1
(4 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
The fabric is designed for multipurpose protective clothing suitable for workers in the gas, energy, fuel, and electronics sectors, among others, where there is a risk of electrical discharge and chemical splashes.[show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11;" align=”left” ] The fabric has been certified according to EN 13034 type 6 – Protective clothing against liquid chemicals.[/show_more]
Key features: Antistatic
Certifications: Oeko-tex, EN 13688, EN 1149-5, EN 61340-5-1, EN 20471
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCEGERIA AP-245
245gsm | 64% Polyester, 34% Cotton, 2% AS| Twill 3/1
(4 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
The fabric is designed for multipurpose protective clothing suitable for workers in the gas, energy, fuel, and electronics sectors, among others, where there is a risk of electrical discharge and chemical splashes.[show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11;" align=”left” ] The fabric has been certified according to EN 13034 type 6 – Protective clothing against liquid chemicals.[/show_more]
Key features: Antistatic
Certifications: Oeko-tex, EN 13688, EN 1149-5, EN 61340-5-1, EN 20471
245 г/м² | 65% Полиэстер, 35% Хлопок | Саржа 2/1
(1 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Fenix-245 — смесовая ткань саржевого плетения. Саржевое плетение защищает тело от механических воздействий. За счет уникального состава воодооталкивающей пропитки, ткань так же защищает от проникновения кислот и щелочей. Рекомендована для производства рабочих курток, спецовок, штанов.
Ключевые особенности: Водонепроницаемость, высокая устойчивость к разрыву, Oeko-Tex 100
Сертификаты: EN 13034
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCFENIX-245
245 г/м² | 65% Полиэстер, 35% Хлопок | Саржа 2/1
(1 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Fenix-245 — смесовая ткань саржевого плетения. Саржевое плетение защищает тело от механических воздействий. За счет уникального состава воодооталкивающей пропитки, ткань так же защищает от проникновения кислот и щелочей. Рекомендована для производства рабочих курток, спецовок, штанов.
Ключевые особенности: Водонепроницаемость, высокая устойчивость к разрыву, Oeko-Tex 100
Сертификаты: EN 13034
- New
160gsm | 100% Cotton| Plain 1/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Flanela is the fabric is available in very large quantities, so we can meet the needs of the largest workwear factories. It is such a soft, but solid cotton or wool fabric. Its greatest advantage is its good thermal insulation properties. The great advantage of flannel fabrics is that it does not need to be ironed, because it does not crease.[show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11;" align=”left” ]That is why it is so readily used. An additional advantage of the fabric is that it is breathable, pleasant to the touch, and therefore does not cause irritation. Its use is very wide.[/show_more]
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Хлопковые тканиFLANELA-160
160gsm | 100% Cotton| Plain 1/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Flanela is the fabric is available in very large quantities, so we can meet the needs of the largest workwear factories. It is such a soft, but solid cotton or wool fabric. Its greatest advantage is its good thermal insulation properties. The great advantage of flannel fabrics is that it does not need to be ironed, because it does not crease.[show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11;" align=”left” ]That is why it is so readily used. An additional advantage of the fabric is that it is breathable, pleasant to the touch, and therefore does not cause irritation. Its use is very wide.[/show_more]
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
155 г/м² | 65% Полиэстер, 35% Хлопок | Саржа 2/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань рабочей одежды
Forma-155 обеспечивает высокий уровень комфорта в ежедневной работе медицинского персонала.
Основные преимущества:
повышенная воздухопроницаемость
сохраняет форму
не линяет
гипоаллергеннаКлючевые особенности: лучше всего подходит для униформы, Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCFORMA-155
155 г/м² | 65% Полиэстер, 35% Хлопок | Саржа 2/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань рабочей одежды
Forma-155 обеспечивает высокий уровень комфорта в ежедневной работе медицинского персонала.
Основные преимущества:
повышенная воздухопроницаемость
сохраняет форму
не линяет
гипоаллергеннаКлючевые особенности: лучше всего подходит для униформы, Oeko-Tex 100
165 г/м² | 65% Полиэстер, 35% Хлопок | Саржа 2/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Forma-165 обеспечивает высокий уровень комфорта в ежедневной работе медицинского персонала. Основные преимущества: – повышенная воздухопроницаемость – сохраняет форму – не линяет – гипоаллергенна
Ключевые особенности: воздухопроницаемость, высокая устойчивость к разрыву, Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCFORMA-165
165 г/м² | 65% Полиэстер, 35% Хлопок | Саржа 2/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Forma-165 обеспечивает высокий уровень комфорта в ежедневной работе медицинского персонала. Основные преимущества: – повышенная воздухопроницаемость – сохраняет форму – не линяет – гипоаллергенна
Ключевые особенности: воздухопроницаемость, высокая устойчивость к разрыву, Oeko-Tex 100
- New
245gsm | 55% Cotton, 45% Polyester | Twill 3/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Original cotton-polyester fabric intended for professional workwear. Especially recommended for the production of all-year professional clothes, aprons and clothes for the catering sector. It comes in a wide range of colors.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The advantage of cotton ensures comfort in all conditions, perfectly absorbs sweat and makes the fabric breathable. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The fabric is certified according to the European standard for workwear: EN13688. Fabric durability checked after 55 washing cycles.The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани с повышенным содержанием хлопкаJOWISZ-245
245gsm | 55% Cotton, 45% Polyester | Twill 3/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Original cotton-polyester fabric intended for professional workwear. Especially recommended for the production of all-year professional clothes, aprons and clothes for the catering sector. It comes in a wide range of colors.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The advantage of cotton ensures comfort in all conditions, perfectly absorbs sweat and makes the fabric breathable. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The fabric is certified according to the European standard for workwear: EN13688. Fabric durability checked after 55 washing cycles.The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
- New
235gsm | 60% Cotton, 40% Polyester | Twill 3/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Cotton-polyester fabric intended for professional workwear. Especially recommended for the production of all-year professional clothes, aprons and clothes for the catering sector. Available in a basic range of colors.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The advantage of cotton ensures comfort in all conditions, perfectly absorbs sweat and makes the fabric airy. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The fabric is certified according to the European standard for workwear: EN13688.The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани с повышенным содержанием хлопкаJOWISZ PRO-235
235gsm | 60% Cotton, 40% Polyester | Twill 3/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Cotton-polyester fabric intended for professional workwear. Especially recommended for the production of all-year professional clothes, aprons and clothes for the catering sector. Available in a basic range of colors.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The advantage of cotton ensures comfort in all conditions, perfectly absorbs sweat and makes the fabric airy. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The fabric is certified according to the European standard for workwear: EN13688.The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
- New
245gsm | 64% Polyester, 34% Cotton, 2% Elastane| Twill 2/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
LUKAS ACTIVE-245 a multi-purpose polyester-cotton fabric designed for workwear, emphasizing comfort through its elastic yarn content, is suitable for year-round professional attire.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The addition of elastic fibers ensures wearing comfort also in more fitted clothes. The fabric is soft and easy to maintain. A special production process ensures good colour fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The fabric is certified according to the European standard for workwear: EN 13688.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCLUKAS ACTIVE-245
245gsm | 64% Polyester, 34% Cotton, 2% Elastane| Twill 2/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
LUKAS ACTIVE-245 a multi-purpose polyester-cotton fabric designed for workwear, emphasizing comfort through its elastic yarn content, is suitable for year-round professional attire.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The addition of elastic fibers ensures wearing comfort also in more fitted clothes. The fabric is soft and easy to maintain. A special production process ensures good colour fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The fabric is certified according to the European standard for workwear: EN 13688.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
- New
285gsm | 100% Cotton | Twill 3/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Dense cotton fabric is ideal for industrial workwear and aprons, providing durability and high breathability while maintaining a soft texture. It is entirely natural and sustainable, making it a responsible choice for various applications.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Хлопковые тканиMARS-285
285gsm | 100% Cotton | Twill 3/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Dense cotton fabric is ideal for industrial workwear and aprons, providing durability and high breathability while maintaining a soft texture. It is entirely natural and sustainable, making it a responsible choice for various applications.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
- New
245gsm | 50% Cotton (inside), 50% Polyester (outside) | Twill 3/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Cotton-polyester fabric intended for professional workwear. Especially recommended for the production of outerwear, including insulated clothes, aprons; It will also work well in clothing for the automotive and construction industries. A wide range of colors allows for many possible applications.
The high content of cotton fibers and a special construction significantly improve the comfort of wearing clothes, while ensuring thermal comfort and breathability. The characteristic weave ensures durability of the fabric and resistance to abrasion. A special weaving process and waterproof finish protect the user from moisture very well. The olephobic finish helps to maintain the clothes easily. The color properties are durable, the fabric can be washed at 60˚C. The fabric has a certificate of compliance with the European standard for workwear: EN13688 also meets the requirements of EN 20471 for non-fluorescent colors.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани с повышенным содержанием хлопкаNEPTUN-245
245gsm | 50% Cotton (inside), 50% Polyester (outside) | Twill 3/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Cotton-polyester fabric intended for professional workwear. Especially recommended for the production of outerwear, including insulated clothes, aprons; It will also work well in clothing for the automotive and construction industries. A wide range of colors allows for many possible applications.
The high content of cotton fibers and a special construction significantly improve the comfort of wearing clothes, while ensuring thermal comfort and breathability. The characteristic weave ensures durability of the fabric and resistance to abrasion. A special weaving process and waterproof finish protect the user from moisture very well. The olephobic finish helps to maintain the clothes easily. The color properties are durable, the fabric can be washed at 60˚C. The fabric has a certificate of compliance with the European standard for workwear: EN13688 also meets the requirements of EN 20471 for non-fluorescent colors.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
330 г/м² | 100% полиэстер | Обычная 1/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань рабочей одежды
Оксфорд-330 ПВХ – прочная ткань с водостойкими свойствами. Широко используется для пошива прочных сумок (сумки для доставки, водонепроницаемые рюкзаки, сумки для инструментов). Oxford-330 PVC также является популярной тканью для тентов и теневых зонтов для кафе и ресторанов.[show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11" align="left" ]Пляжные подушки, диваны и паруса для пляжных баров часто изготавливаются из ПВХ Oxford-330. Эта высокопрочная ткань обеспечивает долговечность изделий, предназначенных для использования на открытом воздухе, а также простоту ухода и комфорт, благодаря своим ветрозащитным и водонепроницаемым свойствам.[/show_more]
Ключевые особенности: Водонепроницаемость
Сертификаты: Эко-текс 100
Ткани из ПолиэстераOXFORD-330 PVC
330 г/м² | 100% полиэстер | Обычная 1/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань рабочей одежды
Оксфорд-330 ПВХ – прочная ткань с водостойкими свойствами. Широко используется для пошива прочных сумок (сумки для доставки, водонепроницаемые рюкзаки, сумки для инструментов). Oxford-330 PVC также является популярной тканью для тентов и теневых зонтов для кафе и ресторанов.[show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11" align="left" ]Пляжные подушки, диваны и паруса для пляжных баров часто изготавливаются из ПВХ Oxford-330. Эта высокопрочная ткань обеспечивает долговечность изделий, предназначенных для использования на открытом воздухе, а также простоту ухода и комфорт, благодаря своим ветрозащитным и водонепроницаемым свойствам.[/show_more]
Ключевые особенности: Водонепроницаемость
Сертификаты: Эко-текс 100
200gsm | 97% cotton, 3% elastane | Twill 2/2
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
ONYX-200 is a high-quality cotton fabric for light professional clothing. It is especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: tops, aprons, trousers as well as clothes for the cosmetics and hotel industry. Available in many vivid colors. The increased width of the rolls allows you to adjust the individual use of the fabric at the design stage.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. Cotton ensures comfort in all conditions, makes the fabric airy and does not disturb the thermal balance. The addition of elastic fibers ensures wearing comfort also in more fitted clothes. The fabric is soft, easy to maintain. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Стрейч (PBT) ткани для спецодеждыONYX-200
200gsm | 97% cotton, 3% elastane | Twill 2/2
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
ONYX-200 is a high-quality cotton fabric for light professional clothing. It is especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: tops, aprons, trousers as well as clothes for the cosmetics and hotel industry. Available in many vivid colors. The increased width of the rolls allows you to adjust the individual use of the fabric at the design stage.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability in use. Cotton ensures comfort in all conditions, makes the fabric airy and does not disturb the thermal balance. The addition of elastic fibers ensures wearing comfort also in more fitted clothes. The fabric is soft, easy to maintain. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
250gsm | 95% cotton, 5% spandex | Twill 2/1
(1 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
OPAL-250 is a high-quality cotton and spandex fabric for light workwear. Especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: blouses, aprons, trousers as well as clothes for the cosmetics and hotel industry. Available in subdued, dark colors.
Clothing made of fabric is characterized by high strength and durability. Cotton ensures a comfortable fit in all conditions, thanks to which the fabric breathes without disturbing the thermal balance. The addition of elastane ensures the comfort of wearing better-fitting clothing. The fabric is soft and easy to care for. A special manufacturing process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing cycles.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Стрейч (PBT) ткани для спецодеждыOPAL-250
250gsm | 95% cotton, 5% spandex | Twill 2/1
(1 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
OPAL-250 is a high-quality cotton and spandex fabric for light workwear. Especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: blouses, aprons, trousers as well as clothes for the cosmetics and hotel industry. Available in subdued, dark colors.
Clothing made of fabric is characterized by high strength and durability. Cotton ensures a comfortable fit in all conditions, thanks to which the fabric breathes without disturbing the thermal balance. The addition of elastane ensures the comfort of wearing better-fitting clothing. The fabric is soft and easy to care for. A special manufacturing process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing cycles.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
190 г/м² | 80% Полиэстер, 20% Хлопок | Саржа 3/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Ключевые особенности: Стойкость к истиранию, Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCOPTIMA-190
190 г/м² | 80% Полиэстер, 20% Хлопок | Саржа 3/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Ключевые особенности: Стойкость к истиранию, Oeko-Tex 100
- New
195gsm | 65% Polyester, 35% Cotton | Twill 2/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Light polyester-cotton fabric intended for professional clothing. Especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: tops, aprons, shirts, also for clothes for the cosmetics, hotel and catering industries. It will also work well in the production of advertising accessories and in other everyday applications. Available in a wide range of colors. Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability of use. The fabric is soft, breathable and easy to maintain. Plain weave additionally increases the strength parameters of the fabric. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCORION PRO-195
195gsm | 65% Polyester, 35% Cotton | Twill 2/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Light polyester-cotton fabric intended for professional clothing. Especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: tops, aprons, shirts, also for clothes for the cosmetics, hotel and catering industries. It will also work well in the production of advertising accessories and in other everyday applications. Available in a wide range of colors. Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability of use. The fabric is soft, breathable and easy to maintain. Plain weave additionally increases the strength parameters of the fabric. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
- New
160gsm | 100% Polyester | Plain 1/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Popular polyester fabric used in the production of work and outdoor clothing. The main application is primarily outerwear, e.g. jackets, also used in additional elements of garment i.e. reinforcements. It will also work well in the production of advertising accessories, as well as bags, backpacks, covers and in textiles for the garden or other everyday applications. Available in a wide range of colors, including fluo colors.
The fabric is lightweight, quick-drying. Smooth, densely woven polyester fibers are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The fabric does not change dimensions after washing. The plain weave makes the fabric resistant to abrasion and tearing. The additional PU coating prevents the fabric from absorbing moisture, making it perfect for waterproof clothing and accessories.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Polyester fabricsOXFORD-160
160gsm | 100% Polyester | Plain 1/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Popular polyester fabric used in the production of work and outdoor clothing. The main application is primarily outerwear, e.g. jackets, also used in additional elements of garment i.e. reinforcements. It will also work well in the production of advertising accessories, as well as bags, backpacks, covers and in textiles for the garden or other everyday applications. Available in a wide range of colors, including fluo colors.
The fabric is lightweight, quick-drying. Smooth, densely woven polyester fibers are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The fabric does not change dimensions after washing. The plain weave makes the fabric resistant to abrasion and tearing. The additional PU coating prevents the fabric from absorbing moisture, making it perfect for waterproof clothing and accessories.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
250 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Oxford-250 — прочная курточная ткань. Плетение Оксфорда и его износостойкость позволяют использовать ткань для изготовления сумок, рюкзаков, ботинок, спецодежды и в качестве особо прочных деталей спецодежды. Ткань может быть выполнена как в набивном, так и в гладкокрашеном виде. Возможна поставка гладкокрашенной ткани или с нанесением индивидуального принта.
Ключевые особенности: отличная стойкость к истиранию, Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани из ПолиэстераOXFORD-250
250 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Oxford-250 — прочная курточная ткань. Плетение Оксфорда и его износостойкость позволяют использовать ткань для изготовления сумок, рюкзаков, ботинок, спецодежды и в качестве особо прочных деталей спецодежды. Ткань может быть выполнена как в набивном, так и в гладкокрашеном виде. Возможна поставка гладкокрашенной ткани или с нанесением индивидуального принта.
Ключевые особенности: отличная стойкость к истиранию, Oeko-Tex 100
300gsm | 100% Polyester | Plain 1/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Oxford-300 is an exceptionally durable workwear fabric. Oxford weave and its abrasion-resistance allows to use the fabric for bags, backpacks, workwear boots and as a lining for extremely tough parts of workwear. The fabric can be made both in printed and plain dyed types.
Key features: Water resistant
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани из ПолиэстераOXFORD-300
300gsm | 100% Polyester | Plain 1/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Oxford-300 is an exceptionally durable workwear fabric. Oxford weave and its abrasion-resistance allows to use the fabric for bags, backpacks, workwear boots and as a lining for extremely tough parts of workwear. The fabric can be made both in printed and plain dyed types.
Key features: Water resistant
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
400 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Oxford-400 PVC создан как для производства спецодежды, так и товаров для активного отдыха: палатки, рюкзаки, пляжные матрасы и туристические подушки. Эта высокопрочная ткань обеспечивает надежность готовых изделий, а также простоту ухода и комфорт благодаря своим ветрозащитным и водонепроницаемым свойствам.
Ключевые особенности: отличная стойкость к истиранию, Oeko-Tex 100
Сертификаты:Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани из ПолиэстераOXFORD-400 PVC
400 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Oxford-400 PVC создан как для производства спецодежды, так и товаров для активного отдыха: палатки, рюкзаки, пляжные матрасы и туристические подушки. Эта высокопрочная ткань обеспечивает надежность готовых изделий, а также простоту ухода и комфорт благодаря своим ветрозащитным и водонепроницаемым свойствам.
Ключевые особенности: отличная стойкость к истиранию, Oeko-Tex 100
Сертификаты:Oeko-Tex 100
275gsm | 65% Polyester, 35% Cotton | Twill 3/1
(1 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Universal polyester-cotton fabric intended for work and corporate clothing. It is especially recommended for the production of professional clothes, including insulated ones, aprons, overalls, as well as clothes for heavy industry. Available in the most popular colors for professional clothing. [show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11" align="left" ]Thanks to the high grammage, clothes made of fabric are characterized by high abrasion resistance and other mechanical damage as well as durability in use. The fabric is soft and easy to maintain. A special production process ensures dyeing stability and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The fabric is certified according to the European standard for workwear: EN13688. Fabric durability checked after 55 washing cycles.[/show_more]Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCPLUTON-275
275gsm | 65% Polyester, 35% Cotton | Twill 3/1
(1 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Universal polyester-cotton fabric intended for work and corporate clothing. It is especially recommended for the production of professional clothes, including insulated ones, aprons, overalls, as well as clothes for heavy industry. Available in the most popular colors for professional clothing. [show_more more="Show more" less="Show less" color="#629e11" align="left" ]Thanks to the high grammage, clothes made of fabric are characterized by high abrasion resistance and other mechanical damage as well as durability in use. The fabric is soft and easy to maintain. A special production process ensures dyeing stability and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The fabric is certified according to the European standard for workwear: EN13688. Fabric durability checked after 55 washing cycles.[/show_more]Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
350gsm | 100% Полиэстер | Трикотаж
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань рабочей одежды
Polar Fleece-350N — это трикотажный синтетический материал, не впитывающий влагу и отводящий ее от тела. Куртки или спортивные жилеты из флиса легкие, очень теплые и достаточно прочные при усилении на плечах и локтях дополнительным слоем курточной ткани, такой как Oxford.
Ключевые особенности: Антипиллинг, Oeko-Tex 100
Флис и сеткаPOLAR FLEECE-350N
350gsm | 100% Полиэстер | Трикотаж
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань рабочей одежды
Polar Fleece-350N — это трикотажный синтетический материал, не впитывающий влагу и отводящий ее от тела. Куртки или спортивные жилеты из флиса легкие, очень теплые и достаточно прочные при усилении на плечах и локтях дополнительным слоем курточной ткани, такой как Oxford.
Ключевые особенности: Антипиллинг, Oeko-Tex 100
360gsm | 100% Polyester | knitted fabric
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Polar Fleece-360 is a polyester knitted fabric that does not absorb moisture and keeps you warm for a long time. Fleece workwear jackets or sports vests are lightweight, very warm and quite durable, especially when layered with a shell fabric such as Oxford or Taffeta.
Key features: Brushed, Antipilling
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Флис и сеткаPOLAR FLEECE-360
360gsm | 100% Polyester | knitted fabric
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Polar Fleece-360 is a polyester knitted fabric that does not absorb moisture and keeps you warm for a long time. Fleece workwear jackets or sports vests are lightweight, very warm and quite durable, especially when layered with a shell fabric such as Oxford or Taffeta.
Key features: Brushed, Antipilling
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
350gsm | 100% Полиэстер | Трикотаж
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань рабочей одежды
Ключевые особенности: Антипиллинг, Oeko-Tex 100
Флис и сеткаPOLAR FLEECE-410N
350gsm | 100% Полиэстер | Трикотаж
(0 Сертификаты)
Ткань рабочей одежды
Ключевые особенности: Антипиллинг, Oeko-Tex 100
100 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификатов)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Ключевые характеристики: Водонепроницаемость, Oeko-Tex 100
Ткани из ПолиэстераPOLIJORDAN-100
100 г/м² | 100% Полиэстер | Полотно 1/1
(0 Сертификатов)
Ткань для рабочей одежды
Ключевые характеристики: Водонепроницаемость, Oeko-Tex 100
- New
165gsm | 64% Polyester, 33% Cotton, 3% Elasthane | Twill 2/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Light polyester-cotton fabric intended for professional clothing. Especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: tops, aprons, shirts, also for clothes for the beauty, hotel and catering industries. It will also work well in everyday applications. Available in a wide range of colors.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability of use. The fabric is soft, breathable and easy to maintain. The addition of elastic fibers ensures wearing comfort also in more fitted clothes. The soft weave additionally incrimproves the appearance and makes the fabric pleasant to the hand feel. Thanks to a special production process, the fabric has good colour fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Стрейч (PBT) ткани для спецодеждыRODOS ACTIVE-165
165gsm | 64% Polyester, 33% Cotton, 3% Elasthane | Twill 2/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Light polyester-cotton fabric intended for professional clothing. Especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: tops, aprons, shirts, also for clothes for the beauty, hotel and catering industries. It will also work well in everyday applications. Available in a wide range of colors.
Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability of use. The fabric is soft, breathable and easy to maintain. The addition of elastic fibers ensures wearing comfort also in more fitted clothes. The soft weave additionally incrimproves the appearance and makes the fabric pleasant to the hand feel. Thanks to a special production process, the fabric has good colour fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
- New
140gsm | 65% Polyester, 35% Cotton | Plain 1/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Light polyester-cotton fabric intended for professional clothing. Especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: tops, aprons, shirts, also for clothes for the cosmetics, hotel and catering industries. It will also work well in the production of advertising accessories and in other everyday applications. Available in a wide range of colors. Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability of use. The fabric is soft, breathable and easy to maintain. Plain weave additionally increases the strength parameters of the fabric. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани для рабочей одежды TCSIROS-140
140gsm | 65% Polyester, 35% Cotton | Plain 1/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Light polyester-cotton fabric intended for professional clothing. Especially recommended for the production of medical clothes: tops, aprons, shirts, also for clothes for the cosmetics, hotel and catering industries. It will also work well in the production of advertising accessories and in other everyday applications. Available in a wide range of colors. Clothes made of fabric are characterized by high strength and durability of use. The fabric is soft, breathable and easy to maintain. Plain weave additionally increases the strength parameters of the fabric. A special production process ensures color fastness and dimensional stability after washing at 60˚C. The product complies with Oeko-tex® Standard.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
- New
245gsm | 65% Polyester, 32% Cotton, 3% EOL | Twill 2/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
For this item we use recycled polyester.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Stretch fabricsTOPPER-245 Stretch
245gsm | 65% Polyester, 32% Cotton, 3% EOL | Twill 2/1
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
For this item we use recycled polyester.
Key features:
Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
- New
300gsm | 60% Cotton, 40% Polyester | Twill 2/2
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
URAN-300 a cotton-polyester fabric provides enhanced breathability and comfort, making it ideal for heavy-duty workwear uniforms. It is well-suited for jackets, overalls, and pants, especially in colder climates and during the winter season.
Key features:Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
Ткани с повышенным содержанием хлопкаURAN-300
300gsm | 60% Cotton, 40% Polyester | Twill 2/2
(0 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
URAN-300 a cotton-polyester fabric provides enhanced breathability and comfort, making it ideal for heavy-duty workwear uniforms. It is well-suited for jackets, overalls, and pants, especially in colder climates and during the winter season.
Key features:Certifications: Oeko-tex 100
150gsm | 100% Polyester | Plain 1/1
(2 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Polyester fabric used in the production of vests and outdoor clothing. It will also work well in the production of advertising accessories, as well as bags, backpacks, covers and in textiles for the garden or other everyday applications. Available in fluo color.
The fabric is lightweight, quick-drying. Smooth, densely woven polyester fibers are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The fabric does not change dimensions after washing. The plain weave makes the fabric resistant to abrasion and tearing. The additional PU coating prevents the fabric from absorbing moisture, making it perfect for waterproof clothing and accessories.Key features:
Certifications: EN 20471, Oeko-tex 100
Polyester fabricsVEST-150
150gsm | 100% Polyester | Plain 1/1
(2 Certificates)
Workwear fabric
Polyester fabric used in the production of vests and outdoor clothing. It will also work well in the production of advertising accessories, as well as bags, backpacks, covers and in textiles for the garden or other everyday applications. Available in fluo color.
The fabric is lightweight, quick-drying. Smooth, densely woven polyester fibers are characterized by high strength and durability in use. The fabric does not change dimensions after washing. The plain weave makes the fabric resistant to abrasion and tearing. The additional PU coating prevents the fabric from absorbing moisture, making it perfect for waterproof clothing and accessories.Key features:
Certifications: EN 20471, Oeko-tex 100